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If you are thinking about taking on a remodeling project or even thinking about building a new custom home, then “Design Build” is something you have probably run across in your search process. If you are like most people – you’re not quite sure what this term means.

Meadowlark’s lead designer and sales manager Melissa Kennedy created this graphic to bring homeowners up to speed on what’s involved in a home remodeling project. This would also apply to designing and building a custom home.

design planning

Things are a lot clearer now that our project planners use a visual aid called the “Design & Construction Funnel” (above). It’s shaped like a funnel because that’s a good graphic way to show clients how the process progresses from the general to the specific. They can see that as they move down the funnel, decisions get more detailed. That gives them a visual picture of all the work that has to go into the planning process before construction can begin.

The diagram is broken up into two phases: a preliminary planning agreement and a detailed design phase. Steps for each phase are unique to each design/build project. Meadowlark designers draw the funnel by hand for every client.

Melissa’s graphic was featured in ProRemodeler, a magazine focused on professional remodeling. Read more about the Design Build Process and the graphic in the full article. Want to know more? Visit Our Process page.

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Architect vs Design-Build Firm: What's the Difference?

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Design Build Takes a Village

Design Build Takes a Village

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