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These are a Few of My Favorite Things

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

County Farm Park

The smell of spring is in the air and we can read it on people’s faces and see it in their smiles. Somehow 50 degree weather transitions us Michiganders from our hibernation domains, where we are wrapped in layers upon layers to try to stay warm, into shorts and flip flops despite that, given the same weather in Florida, the dress code would be much different.

I eagerly took my son to the park on Friday after arriving home from my day at Meadowlark. We grabbed the running stroller and headed over to County Farm Park. The park was full of people happily breathing in the smells and sounds of birds, flowers, and kids running around with their parents chasing them. Despite the long Michigan winters, I am thankful for the seasons. Without winter, we wouldn’t have the same appreciation for spring. Enjoy this time of year and take full advantage of everything Ann Arbor has to offer outdoors. These are a few of my favorite things: County Farm Park Ann Arbor Farmers Market Gallup Park Buhr Park Pool

By Melissa Kennedy


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Meadowlark’s Roots Were Planted In A Garage

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